Studio Hire Prices

 From £35 to £65 per hour. Full day deals available.


 Up to 21 guests 22-40 guests
Peak | Sat-Sun & All Evenings

£50 per hour

£65 per hour

Off-Peak | Mon-Fri Mornings & Afternoons

£35 per hour

£50 per hour

Peak Full Day | Sat-Sun
9hours or 15hours

£400 / £750

£525 / £975

Off-Peak Full Day | Mon-Fri 7am to 5pm



Full Weekend | Sat-Sun
7am to 10pm each day



Full Week | Mon-Fri
7am to 5pm each day





Peak Hours: Monday to Friday from 17:45 to 22:15 | Saturdays to Sunday from 07:00 to 22:15

Off-Peak Hours: Monday to Friday from 07:00 to 17:45

Peak Full Day: two options available
1. A booking of 9 hours starting at either at 07:00 or 13:00. There will be other bookings before/after yours.

2. A booking of 15 hours from 07:00 or 22:00. The whole space for yourself throughout the day. No other bookings before/after yours.

Off-Peak Full Day: A booking of 10 hours from 07:00 to 17:00. You have to pack/take down at the end of each day. There will be other bookings after yours.

Full Weekend: 2 day booking for the whole of Saturday & Sunday to yourself from 07:00 to 22:00. Leave your things/setup overnight in the studio as they are without having to take down each day. No activity is allowed in between 22:00 to 07:00 nor to stay within premisses overnight. No other bookings before/after yours.

Full Week: 5 day booking Monday to Friday from 07:00 to 17:00 each day. You must take down and organise the studio at the end of each day because there will be events in the evening



Booking times are from the time you can enter the room until the time you must vacate.

All bookings must include enough time for setup, take down and socialising. Extra time will be added to your invoice in case you overstay your original booking.


You must notify Self-Retreat when there is an unexpected increase in the original quantity of guests that would reflect in a higher hourly rate price. Attendance will be monitored.