Reiki Master Teacher: Usui + Holy Fire® III

This course can can be done in-person or online. Check our upcoming training dates. 

In this 3-day immersion you go through a profound healing experience, enhance your connection with Reiki and your Higher-Self and learn 2 Master symbols for spiritual healing and initiation of new practitioners and masters.

This professional course is a combination of talks, discussion, extensive practice and powerful experiences. It includes both Reiki Master Levels 3 & 4 (or 3A & 3B) and is a combination of the Japanese & Western style with the incredible energy of Holy Fire® Reiki.


You will be traditionally attuned to Usui Shiki Ryoho levels 3 & 4 (or 3A & 3B), certified as a Reiki Master Teacher and learn everything you need to teach your own classes both online or in-person.

You will also be initiated in Holy Fire® III Reiki, an evolutionary form of the traditional Usui Reiki which was introduced by William Lee Rand of the International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT). It is both powerful and gentle, noticeably more refined and it comes from a higher level of consciousness.

A 178 page Manual in English and Class Certificates are included.


  • The values and spiritual orientation of a true Reiki Master.
  • Difference between Usui Reiki & Holy Fire® Reiki.
  • Introduction to the most up to date frequency of Holy Fire® Reiki and how it - enhances the whole Usui Reiki system.
  • Introduction to Placements & Ignitions: the upgraded forms of Attunements.
  • Introduction to Experiences provided by Holy Fire® Reiki.

  • Introduction & Discussion of metaphysical concepts, including:
    • Soul & Spirit
    • The Twelve Heavens
    • The Formless Realm
    • The Brothers & Sisters of the Light

  • - Reiki Master Teacher Tools & Techniques, including:
    • 8 Holy Fire® Experiences
    • Holy Fire® Healing Experience (an upgrade of the Psychic Surgery)
    • Holy Fire® Meditation
    • Healing Spirit Attachments
    • Reiki Crystal Grid
    • Spiritual Guidance

  • Receive the traditional Usui Master Attunement for levels 3A & 3B.
  • Receive 1 Reiki Master Practitioner Placement (upgraded form of attunements).
  • Receive 4 Reiki Master Teacher Ignitions (upgraded form of attunements).
  • Learn 2 Master Symbols for Usui Reiki and Holy Fire® Reiki: How to use & practice time.
  • Instruction on how to conduct Reiki Attunements for all levels.
  • Instruction on how to conduct Reiki Placements for Reiki 1, 2 and Master Practitioner.
  • Instruction on how to conduct Reiki Ignitions for Reiki Master Teacher.
  • How to give yourself Experiences, Placements and Ignitions.
  • How to teach including going over the class outlines.


To attend this course:

  • You must have learned and practiced Reiki 1 & 2 for a minimum of 6 months.
  • You must be able to draw the 3 symbols from Reiki 2 from memory.
  • At the time of registration, you are required to send in a copy of your Reiki 2 certificate & lineage.